Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is it Sunday night already?

It looks like it is and for once, I did NOT have a wonderful weekend. I've posted before about my arthritic left knee and the grief it gave me last year until I went to a wonderful orthopedic dr and discovered the wonders of cortizone shots. I went in October to get a shot, since it had been a little over a year since the last one and my knee was starting to hurt a little. It did its job and after a week or so, I was back in the game. The dr told me I can get one every six months, but I hadn't needed it until October.

Unfortunately, since it felt good, I worked out at Curves a little more vigorously than I should have and a week or so before Christmas and strained a ligament or something, so have been limping around on and off. It would feel better for a while, then hurt again. Did I stop going to Curves? Heck no. And that was probably my big mistake...not resting it until it was better.

Last week, it was hurting quite a bit, but I still went to Curves Tuesday and Wednesday. It did  not hurt when I was actually on the machines, so I figured why not. Thursday afternoon, it started to really hurt. I have to walk 4 blocks from work to my bus stop and I was in agony.

Friday morning, I got up and could not walk. Well, I could hobble, but I was in pain. So, I did something I never do and called in sick to work. I spend all day Friday in a recliner with my leg propped up and a heating pad on my knee and Hubby waiting on me hand and foot. I only got up to go to the bathroom. And that was a chore, I can tell you. I called my dr, but he is not in the office on Fridays as that is his surgery day, so I will go see him tomorrow afternoon.

Yesterday and today, it was a little better, but I still spent most of both days with it propped up with a heating pad. I did nothing but watch tv and movies. Hubby went camping, so I had to wait on myself, but it was okay as I was not in screaming agony when I had to refill my own drinks and get my own food.

Today, it is still hurting, but not nearly as bad, so I am going to work tomorrow, but will leave early for my dr appointment.

What a sucky weekend. Hope yours was better.


Barb said...

I feel your pain. forgive me if I am preaching to the choir. If you have arthritis you should not hyperextend your leg past thirty percent in any direction and you should NEVER do leg presses-been there, done that, hugged the walls for a week. I was walking but since my knee poor my gait was uneven and know I have a pulled groin muscle. No more land exercise for me, back in the water. Do you have that option?

Annie at Haphazard Homestead said...

Hope the doc can fix you up fast!

Sonya Ann said...

I hope that you feel better soon. That sucks. I think another shot will help and then staying away from Curves for a while. Dr. Sonya's orders.

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better!!!!

Mark said...

Okay, it's Monday. I hope that you were able to see the doctor today and that he was able to ease your pain. If not, I hope your husband comes back soon to continue to wait on you hand and foot.
Take care of yourself.

Frances said...

Barb, thanks for the advice, but I must not have arthritis that bad yet. My orthopedic told me that I can do any exercise that doesn't hurt. He is thrilled that I am doing the Curves workout.