I do not like to wash curtains. There, I have admitted it. I don't dislike any other cleaning as much as I dislike washing curtains. Oh, it is not the washing and drying....it is the taking down and putting up. One reason is that one set is hanging here:

taken a picture of them hanging as they looked darker, but I didn't.
I threw them in the washing machine with a Purex UltraPack Plus Oxyi After washing and drying, that same valance looked like the below:
Now, I know that the pictures do not look that different, but they ARE. The pics were taken in the same spot with the same lighting. Now I wish I had a better camera. Sigh. When the curtains were hung the room looked lighter. I swear it did!! Even Hubby commented on how the room seemed lighter.
I was SO impressed with what a great job Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi did! Purex Ultrapacks Plus Oxi combine the the convenience of Purex UltraPacks with the stain fighting power of Oxiclean. Purex makes it so easy to fight stains, while maintaning a simple laundry routine. What can be simpler than tossing a Purex Ultrapack in the washer?
As a Purex Insider, not only did I receive a package of Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi, but I also received 3 coupons for a FREE package to give to my readers. So, start entering right now! As always, entries are easy to accumulate.
- If you follow my blog, just leave a comment that you do. (once)
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- Visit Purex.com and leave a comment of something you found out about Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi. (once)
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- And for those that like daily comments, leave a comment letting us know how you are preparing to celebrate Halloween. (daily)
Good luck!
*Purex provided me with a sample of Purex UltraPacks Plus Oxi so I could review it. However all of the opinions expressed here are, as always, my own.
Ok, I am a follower of your blog.
Another entry for following Purex of FB.
Also following Purex of Twitter.
You are on my blog roll....always! lol
Daily entry.....what am I doing to prepare for Halloween? Nothing at the moment. I need to get my boxes of Halloween down but my foot problems have been delaying that. Maybe tomorrow? Stay tuned....lol
Went to Purex and learned these Ultrapack Tab things dissolve in cold water. That's a good thing to know since I like to use cold water for the wash except for whites.
of course I follow you!
Yup on my blog roll
I really like that they dissolve in cold water since thats all I use. Plus since I have to take all the comforters(down ones that dont fit in my mind since I bought queen size ones for every bed since my gang roll up in them) that they work in front loader washers since thats what our laundry mat uses. So I dont have to lug the other bottles and junk
I have my scarecrows up and ghosts on a stick out on the lawn, the pumpkins are on the step(they are from my garden so they are really scary).
I actually still have those plastic whitches, ghosts and pumpkins from the 70"s..those kinda melted plastic ones that you hang up so they are in the window
FB entry on my daughters account because I don't have FB..hope this counts
gfc rodney jackson
mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
fblike purex as rod jackson
mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
tw follow purex as mrsrodjac
mrsrodjac at hotmail dot com
I follow you!!!!!!
I visited purex and I checked out their stain guide. Might I just say AWESOME!
And I wanted to tell you that your curtains looked amazing. Hmmmm, I'm thinking I need to start scrubbing my house.
I liked purex on facebook!
another daily comment....lets see is it still halloween. I found a spider but I let him go does that count
Daily entry Tuesday Oct. 15th-can't get upstairs yet so no decorations down. Maybe tomorrow night? stay tuned....lol
HMM another daily entry. pulled out my witch's hat to give out candy and the giant candy bowl
i'm following your blog via gfc
I'm a follower and wow! How impressive before and after shots!
Daily for Thurs. Oct. 17th--Still no decorations up here.
I almost won the bid for a pumpkin last SAt. to put on the porch....does that count? lolol
Daily entry for Friday, Oct. 18th. Finally got 1 box of decorations down. Now to find a place for 2 lighted pumpkins-one on the porch and one inside.
Wanna come help me? lol
ok daily entry for saturday. My daughter went on a hay ride with a group from her college and brought home an orange and a PINK pumpkin! I have never seen a pink one but it is on the steps now and everyone keeps commenting on it. At least when she carved it this morning she made it a happy pumpkin and the orange one is a scary pumpkin
GFC Follower | Allison Downes
Purex FB Fan | Allison Swain Downes
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